Australia Travel

Tangalooma Island Resort

I was fortunate enough this year to go to one of the most stunning places that Queensland has to offer. At the end of March 2015, George and I took a trip to Tangalooma Island Resort up in Moreton Island – just 75 minutes ferry ride from Brisbane. Not gonna lie but the main reason for the trip to find a dugong. Luck was definitely on our side when we not only spotted two resident dugongs on our first day there, but we managed to see one {and swim with one} when we rented out a kayak on our second day there! Here are a view stunning pics from Tangalooma Island. A definite must see. Can’t wait to go back and snorkel the rest of the shipwrecks {and swim with more dugongs of course}.

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The first dugong we spotted during our Eco Cruise Tour

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Parts of the Tangalooma Shipwrecks

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Tangalooma Shipwrecks scuba diving/snorkelling spot

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Tangalooma Shipwreck

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Tangalooma is also famous for their picturesque sunset

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Wild dolphin feeding is complimentary if you stay at the Tangalooma Island Resort

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Starfish everywhere

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Kayaking bliss in this beautiful place

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Our last sunset taken by the GoPro

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