Australia Travel

Sydney Sea Life Adventure

Last Friday, George and I took a long weekend down south to Sydney. One of the main reason we’re going is to see Pig and Wuru, the orphaned dugongs at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium.

The Dugong Island was super cool. Thumbs up to Sea Life Sydney for raising Dugong awareness. Unfortunately, dugongs are listed as vulnerable by IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature. That’s why we MUST speak for those who don’t have a voice. Take action now by signing this form and make sure you “Go Slow For Those Below“.

Here’s our Sydney Sea Life adventure 🙂

We found Nemo 😀

The new Jurassic Seas area is pretty cool (but Dugong Island is still my favourite)

The incredibly cool Lung Fish

This is an Axolotl – Also known as the Mexican Walking Fish


How beautiful is that smile? 🙂

Nomnom cos lettuce… did you know that Pig and Wuru eats from 7am to 7pm everyday?

Did you know that dugongs are closely related to an elephant?

Pig – view from the top

Safe to say I was the happiest girl on the planet

The beautiful grey nurse shark

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