Can you actually believe that it’s been 20 YEARS since Pokémon first came out? That is INSANE! I still remember coming home from school everyday and waiting until 4pm to watch the Pokémon tv series. Later on, I started playing the games on Gameboy Advance, collect the trading cards, stickers and any kind of Pokémon related merchandise and here I am 20 years later – pretty much still doing the same thing 😛
As you can probably already tell, Pokémon is such a big influence in my life. I grew up with the franchise even up until now, I’m still playing Pokémon Alpha Sapphire on my 3DS. I’ve also drawn heaps of zendoodles from Charizard, Pikachu to Ninetales and that’s only 3 from the first generation alone! My goal (aside from catching them all) is to draw the first 150 Pokémon. Got a long way to go!
Anyway, considering it was Pokémon’s 20th Anniversary, we decided to have a little Poké Party at home. I mean, what other appropriate way is there to celebrate 20th Anniversary!
Happy 20th Anniversary Pokémon! Thank you for my wonderful childhood and for constantly giving me inspiration that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
I left to Kmart to get balloons and came back to this. George did an AMAZING job on the Pokéball pizza and cheesecake. He’s a keeper! 😛
Pokéball Pizza
Pokéball Cookies and Cream Cheescake
Nintendo’s released the original games on 3DS! There goes my social life again!
Picked up my Mew Card from EB Games 😀
Oh Hello Yellow! It’s nice to see you again since the year 2000!
Thanks Jeff and Jason for my awesome Pikachu
Ended the Poké Party at the home theatre watching Pokemon the Movie 2000!