Yesterday, we finally made the trip down south to Nightcap National Park to check out Minyon Falls.
Heard about Minyon Falls a little while ago and since then we’ve been stalking people’s Instagram #MinyonFalls. So happy to say that we finally ticked it off our bucket list!
Woke up at 3:30am and left the house at 4:30am to get to Nightcap National Park around sunrise. The view was absolutely stunning. We lucked out that it was a foggy morning so we had this beautiful mist to enjoy.
Once we got to Nightcap National Park, we stayed up the top of Minyon Falls lookout for a bit to take photos and admire the breathtaking view before making the track.
The stunning view
The track to the base of Minyon Falls is a 7.5km loop. According to the Nightcap National Park site, time suggested is 4 hours for the whole loop and we made it in 3.5 hours. I must admit, it was a pretty hard hike but the view at the base of Minyon Falls is absolutely worth it. I promise you.
If you see closely, you’ll see a rainbow
Sunrise at Minyon Falls
Since I’m such an organised freak, I’ve prepared salt and lighter in our backpack just in case of leech attacks (yes, I’m dramatic I know). But in all honesty, all you need are good pair of walking shoes, couple of water bottles, insect repellent and a camera.
Also, pray that no tree branch falls on you (this happened to me – I was inches away from dying and I’m not even being dramatic this time).
Starting our mission
Canopy shot
Not sure what type of mushrooms these are but they look awesome
Anyway, if you do decide to do the track, have fun and enjoy it! It’s absolutely worth it once you see nature at its best at the base.
Managed to get a sideways panoramic shot of the falls
There’s something so serene watching water fall so hard and fast
This view is so worth it at the end